Retirement should be looked at as just one of your goals in a financial plan. You may have other goals like taking vacations every year or buying a second home or funding a college education. Retirement planning involves determining your vision for what you want to be doing in retirement, examining how much you will need to maintain the lifestyle you’re seeking, and structuring what you do now and in the future to create an income that will help you realize that dream.
At retirement, having a predictable, long-term income source is critical. We have created a 3-tiered portfolio solution through active investment management, founded in solid planning, that is designed to help generate predictable income while still allowing for some growth (Find out more about our ACTIVE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT strategies). Our process starts with the development of a personalized Income for Life Model Analysis. Our objective is to provide you with the planning necessary to help generate income for life.
We help you plan for and manage:
- Longevity – Living longer than ever imagined.
- Inflation – At an average 3% inflation rate, the value of an income today would be cut in half in 25 years. So a $100,000 income would only be worth about $50,000.
- Social Security – Uncertainties and changing laws require strategic management of your Social Security options and selections. One mistake can be extremely costly.
- Health Care Costs – Most medical costs occur in the last stage of retirement, the last five year of life.
- Investment Management – The volatility of the market can cause people to become overly risky in bull markets and overly cautious in bear markets. Portfolio allocations and active management of investments is crucial in order to capture the upside potential of the market and provide a hedge against inflation while still providing downside protection.
- Depletion of Assets – This is the risk of overly rapid withdrawals. After recent market downturns, some retirees were especially shocked at the damage to their portfolios. Those who took too much from their portfolios found it very difficult or impossible to recover.
We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your goals and discuss how we may be able to work together. To get started on your retirement plan, please schedule a 15 minute phone call here: